Lynton (Fort McMurray)
Location: 8 miles (12.5 km) west of Hwy 63 on Hwy 69
Terminal Phone Number: (877) 751-8343 opt.1
GPS Coordinates: 56.6350, -111.1217
Location: 2 miles (2.3 km) northwest of the Town of Lashburn, SK on Hwy 16
Terminal Phone Number: (877) 751-8343 opt.1
GPS Coordinates: 53.139772, -109.660100
Location: in the Town of Unity
Terminal Phone Number: (877) 751-8343 opt.1
GPS Coordinates: 52.4428, -109.1660

The Lashburn Terminal is a Unit Train facility capable of loading over 80,000 bbls/d. and offloading 480 heavy oil field trucks/d.
To support the operations, the terminal has 26 truck offloading stations, 40 railcar loading stations and 148,000 bbls of heated storage.
The Lashburn terminal is located 2 miles (2.3 km) Southwest of Lashburn, Saskatchewan on Highway 16.
LSD: 06-18-48-25 W3

The Unity Terminal is a Manifest facility capable of loading over 30,000 bbls/d. and offloading 155 heavy oil field trucks/d.
To support the operations, the terminal has 12 truck offloading stations, 6 railcar loading stations and 26,000 bbls of heated storage.
The Unity terminal is located within the town of Unity, Saskatchewan.
GPS: 52.4428, -109.1660
LSD: 06-18-40-22 W3

The Lynton Terminal is a Manifest/Unit Train facility capable of loading over 27,000 bbls/d. and offloading 100 heavy oil field trucks/d.
To support the operations, the terminal has 6 truck offloading stations, 5 railcar loading stations and 30,000 bbls of heated storage.
The Lynton terminal is located 8 miles (12.5 km) West of Highway 63 on Highway 69 and is located within the CN railyard.
LSD: 12-18-88-07 W4